To understand today's China, we must understand the Communist Party of China -- the extraordinary decade of China in the new era in the eyes of the international community


In February 2022, Argentine President Fernandez came to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics and pay a visit to China. Amazed at the brilliant achievements made by the people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, he took the initiative to make a request to the Chinese side: visit the history exhibition hall of the Communist Party of China. "I pay high tribute to the Communist Party of China for all it has done and the great achievements it has made for the Chinese people." Fernandez sincerely expressed his feelings during the meeting between the heads of state of China and Argentina. A more solid material foundation and more active spiritual strength. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese people solemnly declare to the world with heroic and tenacious struggle that the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong. The extraordinary decade of China in the new era has amazed the world. What kind of success password does it contain? What profound enlightenment does it have for the world? What far-reaching significance does it have for the future of mankind? Like Fernandez, people from all walks of life in all countries have great enthusiasm to observe, explore and think. There is a stronger consensus: to understand today's China, we must understand the Communist Party of China. (I) "the key to running China's affairs well lies in the Communist Party of China". On July 1, 2021, the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China, Tiananmen Square witnessed a historic ceremony. "Through the continuous struggle of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, we have achieved the first Centennial goal, built a moderately prosperous society in all respects on the land of China, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, and are moving forward in high spirits towards the second Centennial goal of building a powerful socialist modern country in all respects. This is the great glory of the Chinese nation! This is the great glory of the Chinese people! This is the great glory of the Communist Party of China!" The century old party is in its prime, and the great cause of the future will continue to struggle. More than four months later, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee once again attracted the attention of the world. The international community has strongly felt the milestone significance of the Sixth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee and the fervent feelings of the CPC to lead the people to forge ahead: the resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the major achievements and historical experience of the party's hundred year struggle, comprehensively summarizing the major achievements and historical experience of the party's hundred year struggle, focusing on the historical achievements, historical changes and accumulated fresh experience of the party and state undertakings in the new era, Issued a call for unremitting efforts to achieve the second Centennial goal and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. According to kavince adehill, a Kenyan scholar of international relations, "the Communist Party of China is the leading force shaping today's China as the world knows. Only by reading the Communist Party of China can we understand China's development, Chinese values and vision". The extraordinary decade of China in the new era has provided valuable nourishment for the international community to understand China and the Communist Party of China. This is a decade to provide a more perfect institutional guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation - "now China is more united than at any time in the past 200 years... No Western style governance system can do this. Such achievements require a different way of governance, which can do strategic thinking, have a historical foundation, be inclusive, mobilize the people, and achieve things." British scholar Martin Jacques said. In the face of the "hard bone" that is the most difficult to bite in the fortress of deep poverty, we should make every effort to fight, attack cities and pull out villages, and win an all-round victory in the battle against poverty; In the face of the deterioration of the ecological environment, we should take a long-term and resolute attitude to promote historical, turning and overall changes in ecological environment protection; In the face of the sudden COVID-19, everyone worked together to achieve major strategic achievements in the prevention and control of the epidemic; "The socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental guarantee for the development and progress of contemporary China", "the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics" We will continue to deepen reform in an all-round way in breadth and depth, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will become more mature and stereotyped, the modernization of the national governance system and capacity will continue to improve, and the cause of the party and the country will glow with new vitality. "If I choose a ruling experience of the Communist Party of China to introduce to my country, I think it is governance ability." In October, 2021, at the 9th World Forum on Chinese studies held in Shanghai, a scholar from African countries sighed. This is a decade that has provided a more solid material foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation - "throughout human history, no country has been able to lift so many people out of absolute poverty in a short time like China." "the great achievements of the Communist Party of China have greatly inspired us and provided valuable experience for us to achieve national development goals." Over the past decade, China has drawn a colorful picture of high-quality development: its total economic output has exceeded one billion yuan, its per capita GDP has exceeded 12000 US dollars, and its contribution to the world economy has exceeded 30% over the years; Nearly 100million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty, the problem of absolute poverty has been solved historically, and the per capita disposable income of residents has increased by nearly 80%; "Chang'e moon", "Beidou network", "Tianwen fire detection" and "Jiaolong into the sea", major innovation achievements continue, and the ranking of the global innovation index has increased significantly; The total trade volume of goods and services has ranked first in the world for two consecutive years since 2020... Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited many cities in China during her term of office. When she left office, she said she looked forward to the opportunity to visit China's rural areas in the future. Former Brazilian president Rousseff, who has long paid attention to China, said that we must pay attention to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's development and reform. The process of China's rise is irreversible. Denisov, who has served as Russian ambassador to China since 2013, believes that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, many tasks that are difficult for other countries have been completed in China, which not only benefits the Chinese people, but also sets an example for all countries. This is a decade of more active spiritual strength for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation - June 29, 2021, the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the people in Beijing. Foreign media have noticed that every winner of the highest honor in the party comes from the people and is rooted in the people. They are ordinary heroes based on their own duties and silently dedicated. Under the exemplary leadership of more than 96 million Communist Party members, the struggle of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to pursue and realize their dreams is magnificent. Farmland, enterprises, communities, schools, hospitals, military barracks, scientific research institutions... People are paying, contributing, and reaping. An indomitable and prosperous China is displayed in front of the world. "The socialist modern power we want to build should be strong not only in material terms, but also in spirit." Facing the future, the Chinese people are writing the great history of China's development in the new era with unprecedented historical initiative, historical creativity and confidence. In his view, the ruling philosophy of Chinese leaders should become the guide and benchmark for leaders of all countries. "We must not forget our original aspiration, keep our mission firmly in mind, and work from generation to generation. By the 100th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, China and the Chinese nation will stand firmly in the east of the world and make greater contributions to all mankind." Towards the end of the meeting, speaker FICO asked a question: "what was your mood when you were elected president of China?" His heartfelt words showed the deep feelings of the people of the leaders of major parties and countries and world-class leaders, and left a deep impression on the world. Saifra Khan nyazi, one of the founders of the Pakistan Justice Movement Party, said with emotion: "only selfless people can devote themselves to the cause of the people and strive to improve the well-being of the people." "Let the people live a good life is the starting point and foothold of all our work", "I am the servant of the people", "the people are the greatest foundation for our party to govern", "taking the people as the center is our fundamental governing concept"... From the people, for the people, and relying on the people, the Communist Party of China has always put the people in the highest position in its heart and always adhered to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. On November 15, 2012, the newly elected member of the Standing Committee of the 18th Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee met with more than 500 Chinese and foreign journalists in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the people.

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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