Bagui earth sings the song of striving -- Guangxi along the footprints of the general secretary


"Guangxi's potential for development is opening up, and its staying power is also opening up." Persian pottery pots, Roman glass bowls... In the Han Dynasty Culture Museum in Hepu County, Beihai City, pieces of cultural relics tell the history of the early port of departure of the maritime Silk Road; More than 40 kilometers away, at Tieshangang dock, the orange gantry crane is towering, a busy scene. Backed by the southwest, adjacent to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and facing Southeast Asia, how can Guangxi's unique location advantages be transformed into development advantages? From vigorously developing the sea economy to jointly building a new land and sea channel in the west, from the establishment of the China (Guangxi) pilot free trade zone to the high-quality implementation of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP)... Guangxi implements a more proactive opening-up drive strategy to lead the great development with great opening-up. A series of new measures have been introduced: accelerate the development of Beibu Gulf port and build a number of wharves and waterways with large tonnage and advanced technology; Focusing on the construction of new land and sea channels in the west, the "sea, land and air" comprehensively connects the cross-border logistics system of RCEP Member States, forming a new international land and sea trade channel connecting the EU ASEAN During the 13th Five Year Plan period, the import and export volume of Guangxi's foreign trade increased by 8.8% annually, and the import and export scale of border trade ranked first in the country. In 2021, there were more than 6000 rail sea intermodal trains on the western land sea new channel arriving and departing through Guangxi, and the container throughput of Beibu Gulf port exceeded 6million TEUs, maintaining a double-digit growth for five consecutive years. "In the future, Guangxi will seize the opportunity of the construction of version 3.0 of the China ASEAN Free Trade Area and the implementation of RCEP to further expand its opening-up. Guided by the construction of a pilot free trade area with high standards, Guangxi will speed up the integration with ASEAN and the Great Bay area, and actively serve the construction of the 'the Belt and Road' and the China ASEAN Community of common destiny." Yang Chunting, director of the Department of Commerce of the autonomous region, said. "Break a new path in promoting the high-quality development of border ethnic areas" Driverless construction machinery, a new generation of pure electric intelligent loaders... Entering Guangxi Liugong Group Co., Ltd., one of the industry-leading new products brighten people's eyes. As a late developing region, how can Guangxi achieve high-quality development? In Nanning Zhongguancun innovation demonstration base, it emphasizes "building an attractive innovation ecosystem"; Inspect Nannan aluminum processing Co., Ltd. and point out that "we must develop the real economy, constantly promote industrial modernization and improve the level of manufacturing"; I came to Liuzhou snail powder production cluster and told that "developing characteristic industries is a practical way for local governments to strengthen and optimize the real economy" "We adhere to the 'front-end focus, intermediate coordination, and back-end transformation', start the scientific and technological innovation project, implement the system of scientific and technological project disclosure and research, and strive to transform the 'key variables' of scientific and technological innovation into the' maximum increment 'of high-quality development." The head of the science and Technology Department of the autonomous region said. In 2021, the growth rate of industrial investment in Guangxi was 16.1 percentage points higher than that of the whole country, and the contribution rate of strategic emerging industries to industrial growth was more than 30%. 10 100 billion level industrial clusters were formed. The output of internal combustion engines, construction machinery, passenger cars and other products ranked first in the country, and the output of new energy vehicles accounted for one seventh of the country. To promote high-quality development, "green" is the bottom color. Shuzhongchang, deputy director of Guilin Ecological Environment Bureau, said that Guilin has shut down all quarries in the Lijiang River Basin for greening, closed all breeding farms in scenic spots, and successively invested more than a billion yuan to solve the problem of direct sewage discharge. Today, the forest coverage rate in the Lijiang River Basin exceeds 80%, and the water quality in the main stream maintains the class II standard all the year round. Go green! Guangxi adheres to the principle of giving priority to conservation, protection and natural recovery, and strives to make the green mountains, clear water and fresh air in the land of Bagui constant, so that a good ecological environment becomes the growth point of people's quality of life. Vigorously develop clean energy, implement the ecological protection compensation system, and deepen the green performance evaluation... In April this year, Guangxi issued new policies to plan a new picture of green development in Zhuang Township from many aspects, such as promoting green, low-carbon and high-quality development, and improving the ecological governance system and mechanism. "The 'big country' is the happy life of the people" "General secretary, thank you for coming to see us when you are so busy." "I'm busy with these things, and the 'big country' is the happy life of the people." Guangxi, which integrates "the old, the young, the border, the mountains and the treasury", was once one of the main battlefields for poverty eradication in the country. "We should pay close attention to poverty alleviation and do a good job", "never let a minority or a region fall behind". Guangxi takes poverty alleviation as the first livelihood project, and implements precise policies for the 6.34 million registered poverty-stricken population, with 5379 poverty-stricken villages covered. In November 2020, the last eight poverty-stricken counties in Guangxi were lifted from poverty, and the problem of absolute poverty that has plagued Zhuang township for thousands of years was solved. After getting rid of poverty, the people of Zhuang Township opened a new chapter in Rural Revitalization. Guangxi will consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link up with rural revitalization. Based on forest, fruit, vegetable, animal sugar and other characteristic resources, Guangxi will actively build a characteristic agricultural industry cluster. In 2021, 11.69 billion yuan of financial linkage funds will be invested in the development of characteristic industries, and 1577 leading enterprises of "Gui Zi" agricultural industrialization have been developed in total, steadily promoting the whole region, all staff and all-round Rural Revitalization. In maozhushan village, the development of grape industry has enriched the people. While planting good grapes, Wang Deli has set up a farmhouse and opened a small supermarket; In Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County, tanmeichun, a Maonan woman who wrote to the general secretary, led 22 households to set up cooperatives and planted more than 400 acres of oranges. Everyone's wallet was bulging The revolutionary ideal is higher than heaven, and we will start from a new starting point. At the Guangxi Museum of nationalities, the general secretary said, "we can't stop. Next, we have to move towards the new journey of the second Centennial goal. A nation can't be less. Come on, work hard, and then the long march!" In Baini village, Leye County, Guangxi, the place where Huang Wenxiu, the winner of the "Medal of July 1st", fought before his death, and Huang Wenxiu's wish to build a kindergarten have become a reality. Huang Xu, the first Secretary of the "successor" in the village, said: "now the sugar orange, oil tea and other industries in the village are more prosperous, and we should strive to make greater contributions on the new Long March." (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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