Russia's foreign ministry announced that 43 Canadian citizens were banned from entering Uzbekistan, saying that Russian troops tried to block the city of lisichansk from the South


Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency foreign correspondents reported that the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on the 27th that 43 Canadian citizens would be banned indefinitely as a response to the new round of sanctions imposed by the Canadian government on the leadership of Russian enterprises and their family members in May this year. The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces said on social media on the 27th that in the Donetsk region, the Russian army is trying to blockade the city of lisichansk from the South with artillery support. —— The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the 27th that Russia decided to ban 43 Canadian citizens indefinitely as a response to the new round of sanctions imposed by the Canadian government on the leadership of Russian enterprises and their family members in May this year. The sanctions list includes Susanna Cowen, chairman of the Canadian Liberal Party, and other government officials and public figures at all levels. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 27th that in the past day, four high-precision air-based missiles of the Russian air and space forces hit the workshop of a rocket manufacturing company in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, which produces ammunition for Ukrainian army's multiple rocket launchers. All four missiles hit the target without damaging the civilian infrastructure of Kiev City. Konashenkov said that the Russian army has made smooth progress in the Donbas region, and the Ukrainian army has lost control of the battle direction in lichansk. —— On the 27th, the press secretary of the Russian President Peskov said that Russia would sell gold to countries with greater demand and a more reasonable economic system with regard to some western countries' plans to ban the import of Russian gold. —— The general staff of the Ukrainian armed forces said on social media on the 27th that in the Donetsk region, the Russian army, supported by artillery, is trying to blockade the city of lisichansk from the south. Ukrainian State News Agency reported on the 27th that as of the morning of that day, Russian bombers had raided Odessa area, and Kharkov, Kherson, Nikolayev, sume and other places were also attacked by Russian artillery. —— Ukrainian atomic energy company said in a statement on the 27th that Ukraine has terminated the two previous agreements with Russia on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy safety. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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