The Russian Defense Minister inspected the troops participating in special military operations, and the Uzbek side said that the Russian army was assembling forces in the northern important towns of the Donetsk region


Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency foreign correspondents reported: the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 26th that Russian Defense Minister Shoigu inspected Russian troops participating in special military operations. The Ukrainian state news agency quoted paulkirilenko, the military administrator of the Donetsk region, as saying on the 26th that the Russian army was building up its forces in the direction of slavyansk, an important town in the north of the Donetsk region. —— According to the news on the website of the Russian Ministry of defense on the 26th, Shoigu inspected the Russian forces participating in special military operations, listened to the commander's report on the current operations of the Russian forces in the main operational directions, and paid special attention to the issues related to the comprehensive support of operational operations. The Ministry of defence did not specify the time and place of the inspection. —— According to the Ukrainian news agency reported on the 26th, Kirilenko said in the TV program that day that the Ukrainian side observed that the Russian army was assembling troops, heavy armored vehicles and artillery towards slavyansk and trying to reach Ukrainian positions. —— Kiev mayor Klitschko said in a social media post on the 26th that in the morning, a 9-storey residential building in shevchenkovsky District of Kiev City caught fire after an explosion, and rescue workers evacuated 25 people from the residential building. On the same day, the office of the procurator general of Ukraine sent a message on social media that one person had been killed in the explosion of a residential building, and another four people had been sent to hospital for treatment. The law enforcement department of Kiev City has launched an investigation into the explosion. —— The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 26th that the Ukrainian army tried again to attack Snake Island through aviation forces and multi rocket system, but failed. In response, the Russian army shot down one Uzbek plane and 12 rockets. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the same day that the Russian army used high-precision weapons to carry out large-scale attacks on three Ukrainian army training centers located in Chernigov, zhytomir and Lvov. —— Konashenkov said on the 25th that the Lugansk armed forces, with the support of the Russian army, have completely controlled the northern Donetsk city and borovskoye and two other settlements near the city. He said that the control of the North Donetsk nitrogenous fertilizer plant was handed over to the local militia. According to the Ukrainian news agency on the 25th, the mayor of northern Donetsk, strouk, confirmed in a television interview that the city was under the control of the Russian army, which was restoring urban order and appointed a person in charge of the city. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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