How to feed breast milk and complementary food? Keep this recipe


With the improvement of living standards and the change of lifestyle, the parenting methods of baopa and Baoma have become more sophisticated, paying special attention to the scientific concept of feeding, especially on whether to breast milk and when to add complementary food. So, what is the right way to eat at different ages of your baby's growth and development? On June 1, the dietary guidelines for infants and young children in China (2022) organized by the Chinese Nutrition Society was officially released, including three guidelines, namely, the breastfeeding guidelines for infants aged 0-6 months in China, the feeding guidelines for infants aged 7-24 months in China and the dietary guidelines for preschool children in China. In view of some problems encountered by parents in the process of infant feeding, experts on the scene interpreted the three guidelines, Some practical solutions are also proposed. Infants aged 0-6 months Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months is recommended Breast fed infants do not need calcium supplements Professor wangzhixu, chairman of the maternal and child nutrition branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society and professor of the school of public health of Nanjing Medical University, said in his interpretation that the age of 6 months is the first peak of growth and development in a person's life, and the need for energy and nutrients is relatively higher than any other period. However, the development of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney functions of infants is still immature, and the ability to digest and absorb food and excrete metabolic waste is still low, Breast milk can provide nutrition and help to infants, just like the umbilical cord before birth. Breast milk is the extended protection provided by the mother after birth. It is particularly noteworthy that breast fed infants can reduce the risk of infectious diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and adult type 2 diabetes. Breast milk itself is hypoallergenic. The oligosaccharides contained in breast milk, that is, prebiotics, can promote the growth of a large number of probiotics in the intestine, effectively block the entry of external allergens into the body, and help intestinal immune cells avoid allergic reactions. Breastfeeding can also help mothers recover after childbirth, reduce postpartum depression, and reduce the risk of obesity, cancer and other chronic diseases. Therefore, Wang Zhixu recommended exclusive breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months and introduced the six guidelines in the guidelines for breastfeeding for infants aged 0-6 months: 1. breast milk is the most ideal food for infants, and they should be exclusively breast fed within 6 months of age; 2. open milk within 1 hour after birth, and pay attention to sucking as soon as possible; 3. respond to feeding and establish a good life rule; 4. supplement vitamin D appropriately, and no calcium is required for breast feeding; 5. consult doctors or other professionals for any ideas and actions that shake breast-feeding, and let them help make decisions; 6. regularly monitor physical indicators to maintain healthy growth. Professor Wang Zhixu explained that "responsive feeding" is the basis of feeding on demand. The baby sends a feeding signal, and the mother responds to feeding after receiving it in time. "Crying is the last sign that a baby is hungry." Wang Zhixu suggested that the number and time of feeding should not be forced. The baby has basically established his own eating pattern 2-4 weeks after birth. Parents should clearly perceive the time information of his eating pattern. Generally speaking, after 2 months of age, the gastric capacity of infants gradually increases, and the single intake also increases, and the feeding interval will be correspondingly prolonged. Especially at night, the reduction of feeding times is conducive to the sleep of infants. In Article 4 of the guidelines, Professor Wang said that infants who are exclusively breast fed can start to supplement vitamin D every day for a few days after birth, and the dosage is about 10 micrograms. In addition, infants who are exclusively breast fed do not need calcium supplementation, but they should pay attention to vitamin K supplementation after birth. Infants aged 7-24 months Add supplementary food from the iron rich mud Do not blindly avoid sensitive food Infants aged 7-24 months are in the third stage of the 1000 day health opportunity window in the early life, which is related to the baby's short-term and long-term physical health. The addition of complementary foods too early or too late will affect their health, and it is also one of the headache problems for parents. In this regard, Professor shengxiaoyang, vice chairman of the maternal and child nutrition branch and chief physician of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to the Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University, introduced the six guidelines of the feeding guidelines for infants and young children aged 7-24 months: 1. continue breast-feeding. Supplementary food must be added from the age of 6 months, starting from the muddy food rich in iron; 2. timely introduce diversified foods and attach importance to the addition of animal foods; 3. add less sugar and salt as far as possible, with proper grease to maintain the original flavor of the food; 4. promote responsive feeding and encourage but not force eating; 5. pay attention to food hygiene and food safety; 6. regularly monitor physical indicators to pursue healthy growth. When interpreting the guidelines, shengxiaoyang stressed that after 6 months of age, breast-feeding should continue until the age of two or more. In addition, studies have confirmed that the addition of complementary foods at the age of 4 months will increase the risk of overweight, obesity and future metabolic diseases in children; For infants with allergies and high risk of allergies, premature infants, infants with acute and chronic diseases or infants with poor growth and development, the time for adding complementary food should be adjusted under the guidance of doctors, but it must not be earlier than 4 months of age, nor too late. In Article 2 "introduction of diversified foods" of the guidelines, Professor shengxiaoyang said that it is recommended to introduce only one new food each time to gradually achieve food diversification, such as eggs, Cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc. each introduction of a new food needs to adapt to 2-3 days and start from a small amount. In addition, we should not blindly avoid sensitive foods, such as eggs, wheat, fish, nuts, etc. Attention should be paid to the addition of animal food, and sugar and salt should be added as little as possible to maintain the original flavor of the food. However, an appropriate amount of cooking oil should be provided. It is recommended to select oils rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid, such as flaxseed oil and flaxseed oil. In terms of food shape, it is suggested to introduce various foods within 1 year old, starting from muddy food, gradually transiting to solid food, and then gradually increasing the frequency of complementary foods and food intake. Shengxiaoyang added that considering the high risk of iron deficiency faced by 6-month-old infants, the first supplementary food for infants should be slimy food rich in iron, such as lean meat paste, liver paste, iron fortified baby bone meal, etc., which are good choices. As for the amount of supplementary food, the Chinese guidelines for the feeding of infants aged 7-24 months gives the recommended range: the daily amount of supplementary food required by infants aged 7-12 months, including 20-75 grams of Cereals, 25-100 grams of vegetables, the same amount of fruits, 15-50 grams of eggs, at least one egg yolk, and 25-75 grams of meat, poultry and fish. If the supplementary food is mainly Cereals, vegetables, fruits and other vegetable foods, it is necessary to add an additional 10 grams of cooking oil. It is not recommended to add additional salt for infants under 1 year old. For children aged 12-24 months, the daily amount of cereals increased to 50-100g, vegetables and fruits increased to 50-150g, and one egg or at least half an egg per day, meat, poultry and fish 50-75g, oil 5-15g, and a small amount of salt, but not more than 1.5g. Breast feeding should also be maintained at a certain level after supplementary food is added. It is recommended that infants aged 7-12 months should have 700-500 ml of breast milk per day; The daily breast milk volume of infants aged 13-24 months is 600-400 ml. In guideline 4, "promoting responsive feeding", shengxiaoyang explained that parents or feeders should keep face-to-face with their children during meals, so as to timely understand their children's needs, pay attention to identifying the signals sent by their children that they are hungry (open their mouth, pounce on food) or do not want to eat (turn their heads, shut up) and respond in time. They are encouraged to try but never forced. Do not watch TV or play with toys during meals, and each meal time shall not exceed 20 minutes. In addition, from the initial stage of complementary food addition, breast-feeding 5-7 times a day gradually decreased to no more than 4 times at the age of 1 year. Infants over 2 years old Focus on developing healthy eating habits 3 meals +2 extra meals should be arranged every day For infants over 2 years old, it is more important to eat independently and develop good eating habits. The diet of preschool children should be a balanced diet composed of diversified foods to provide comprehensive, sufficient and balanced nutrition. In this regard, Zeng Guo, vice chairman of the maternal and child nutrition branch of the Chinese Nutrition Society and professor of West China School of public health of Sichuan University, introduced the five core recommendations of the dietary guidelines for preschool children: 1. have a variety of food, eat regularly, eat autonomously, and cultivate healthy eating behavior; 2. drink milk every day, drink plenty of water, and choose snacks reasonably; 3. cook reasonably with less seasoning and frying; 4. participate in the selection and production of food, and enhance the understanding and love of food; 5. regular outdoor activities, regular physical measurements to ensure healthy growth. Professor Zeng Guo suggested that three meals plus two extra meals should be arranged for each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The extra meals should be combined with snacks. Milk, fruits and nuts should be selected as the food. It is recommended to drink 350-500 ml milk or equivalent dairy products every day. Preschool children have a strong metabolism, a large amount of activity and need more water. It is recommended to drink 600-700ml of water for 2-3 years old and 700-800ml of water for 4-5 years old every day. It is better to drink white water. Avoid drinking sugary drinks for many times (2-3 times in the morning and afternoon). It is not suitable to drink a lot of water before meals. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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