More than 100 civilians evacuated from the Yasu steel plant, and Ukraine said it would fight to recover all its territory


Russian media reported on May 2 that 126 civilians left the mariupole Yasu steel plant and surrounding areas on April 30 and May 1. On the same day, yermak, director of the office of the president of Ukraine, said that Ukraine would fight for the recovery of all its territory. —— On May 2, Tass news agency quoted the Russian Ministry of defense as saying that a total of 126 civilians withdrew from the Yasu steel plant and surrounding areas in Mariupol city in southeastern Ukraine on April 30 and May 1. All evacuees received accommodation, food and necessary medical assistance. Some evacuees decided to go to the area controlled by the Ukrainian government, and their convoy is heading for zaporoze. The Russian army will ensure the safety of the convoy. —— Yelmak, director of the office of the president of Ukraine, said on the 2nd that in the negotiations with Russia, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity are the fundamental issues that Ukraine is not prepared to compromise. Ukraine will continue to fight to recover all its territory—— The general staff of the Ukrainian army said on social media on the 2nd that the Russian army continued to attack eastern Ukraine. At present, the Russian army is actively preparing to launch a large-scale attack on northern Donetsk and slavyansk. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 2nd that the Russian air and space forces attacked the targets in zaporoze Prefecture, destroyed 26 armored vehicles and eliminated about 160 Ukrainian troops. Russian artillery units attacked 26 command posts, 78 strongholds, 359 concentration areas of troops and equipment, 67 artillery positions and 6 ammunition depots, and destroyed about 280 Ukrainian troops. Since the special military operation, the Russian army has destroyed 146 Ukrainian aircraft, 112 helicopters, 683 UAVs, 281 air defense missile systems, 2756 tanks and other armored vehicles, 316 multiple rocket launchers, 1234 field artillery and mortars and 2563 special military vehicles. —— Ukrainian state news agency quoted Ukrainian President Zelensky as saying on the 2nd that all ports in Ukraine have been closed due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. If Russia does not lift the blockade on Ukrainian ports, Ukraine will not be able to transport food to Europe and other regions, and there will be a "tragedy" in world food security. —— Mizitsev, head of the Russian national defense command center, said on April 30 that according to the information available, the Ukrainian government uses roads and railways to transport a large number of Cereals, oil crops and livestock products to Romania. As of April 30, nearly 20 million tons of agricultural products had been supplied. —— Kovac Zoltan, spokesman for international affairs of the Hungarian government, reiterated on May 2 that the Hungarian government does not support the embargo on Russian oil and gas. Hungarian prime minister guyash gelgay said on the 1st that Hungary must not support "sanctions to punish itself". He pointed out that EU sanctions will prevent Hungary from importing Russian oil and gas. To this end, Hungary will have to purchase energy at a higher price, and the government will not be able to ensure the fuel price limit measures and the normal operation of Hungary's economy. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin


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