Ten new archaeological discoveries announced in 2021


From the 30th to the 31st, the final evaluation meeting of the top ten archaeological discoveries in 2021, hosted by China Heritage daily and the Chinese archaeological society, was held in Beijing in the form of an online conference. After the project report and comprehensive evaluation, the judges voted to select the top ten new archaeological discoveries in 2021. On the 31st, song Xinchao, deputy director of the State Administration of cultural relics, announced at a press conference that the piluo site in Daocheng, Sichuan, the Huangshan site in Nanyang, Henan, the jijiaocheng site in Li County, Hunan, the Gangshang site in Tengzhou, Shandong, the sacrificial area of Sanxingdui site in Guanghan, Sichuan, the zhengjiahu cemetery in Yunmeng, Hubei, the Jiangcun tomb in Xi'an, Shaanxi, the tomb group of the Tuyuhun royal family in the Tang Dynasty in Wuwei, Gansu, the keyakkuduk beacon site in Yuli, Xinjiang Anhui Fengyang archaeological site of the year 2021 was selected as the national top ten archaeological sites. These projects are a vivid interpretation of the historical process of China's early human origin, prehistoric culture, the development of Chinese civilization and a unified multi-ethnic country, and show the colorful, long-standing, broad and profound style of Chinese civilization. Song Xinchao said that many archaeological achievements have benefited from long-term persistence and accumulation. The current achievements are both amazing and phased. As long as we persevere in our work, we will make new discoveries. "A great progress of Chinese Archaeology in recent years is the cooperation of multi disciplines, multi specialties, multi fields and multi departments." Song Xinchao pointed out. Taking the excavation of the sacrificial area of Sanxingdui site in Guanghan, Sichuan Province as an example, the project adheres to the working concept of "subject preset, protection synchronization, multi-disciplinary integration and multi team cooperation". 39 domestic scientific research institutions, universities and science and technology companies represented by Sichuan Institute of cultural relics and archaeology, Institute of Archaeology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and School of archaeology, culture and Museum of Peking University jointly carry out the archaeological excavation of the sacrificial area of Sanxingdui site Field protection and multidisciplinary research. Its innovative use of modern multi-functional protection platform, constant temperature and humidity archaeological excavation cabin, on-site emergency protection experimental platform, multi-functional archaeological excavation operating system, remote control system, uninterrupted high-definition digital recording system, etc. is also an important measure to practice the spirit of the general secretary's important speech on "striving to build archaeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style". In the excavation of zhengjiahu cemetery in Yunmeng, Hubei Province, the use of scientific and technological means was also strengthened. While excavating and sorting, multi-disciplinary detection research was carried out simultaneously, including carbon dating, human bone archaeology, animal and plant archaeology, ancient DNA analysis, isotope analysis, residue analysis, composition and technology research and abdominal soil parasite detection, with remarkable results. According to the project leader, the use of multiple isotopes to reconstruct individual migration behavior and life history clearly revealed the close interaction between the north and the south, providing scientific and technological support for understanding the population integration at that time. "Modern science and technology has provided archaeology with wings that can take off." Song Xinchao said. Chinese Archaeology is concerned about the origin of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture, and discusses the core of Chinese road and Chinese overall culture. Archaeology can bring some great enlightenment and help solve major historical problems. "Without archaeology, there is almost no way to fully interpret our Chinese history." Song Xinchao saw that at present, many archaeological excavations have "subject consciousness". Archaeology is not simply digging treasures. It should solve historical and cultural problems. Therefore, the annual selection of the country's top ten new archaeological discoveries has both academic and significant social significance. It is understood that the State Administration of cultural relics will issue and implement the special plan for archaeological work in the 14th five year plan in the near future, focus on tackling major historical problems, strive to make new breakthroughs, implement the system of "archaeology before transfer", protect and inherit the historical context, vigorously develop scientific and technological archaeology, promote the application of modern science and technology in archaeology, strengthen the construction of institutions and teams, constantly expand professional forces, deepen international archaeological cooperation and exchanges, and promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, Strive to build archaeology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie

Source:Science and Technology Daily

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