The Turkish president proposed that Russian and Ukrainian leaders meet in Turkey, and the Ukrainian foreign minister said that Ukraine and Turkey would focus on organizing the Ukrainian Russian leaders' meeting


According to the foreign correspondent of comprehensive Xinhua news agency, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked with Russian President Vladimir Putin by telephone on the 17th and once again proposed that Putin and Ukrainian President Zelensky come to Turkey for a meeting. Ukrainian foreign minister kuleba said on the 17th that he and visiting Turkish Foreign Minister chavusholu reached a consensus on focusing on organizing the Ukrainian Russian leaders' meeting. —— The Turkish presidential palace issued a statement on the 17th that Erdogan and Putin discussed the latest developments in the Russian Ukrainian conflict and the local humanitarian situation. Erdogan said that to reach consensus on key issues, the Russian Ukrainian leadership may need to meet. Therefore, he once again proposed that Putin and Zelensky come to Turkey for a meeting. He said that if Russia and Ukraine can declare a permanent ceasefire, it will pave the way for a complete solution to the Ukrainian crisis. He hoped that the current negotiations between Russia and Ukraine can achieve positive results. —— According to a statement released on the Kremlin website on the 17th, Putin and Erdogan discussed in detail the situation of Russia's special military operations during the call, and the two sides focused on the humanitarian field. Putin briefed the Russian Ukrainian negotiating process. Erdogan thanked Russia for its assistance in evacuating Turkish citizens from Ukraine. —— According to Interfax news agency of Ukraine, Ukrainian foreign minister kuleba held talks with visiting Turkish Foreign Minister chavusholu on the 17th. At the subsequent press conference, kuleba said that he and chavusholu reached a consensus on concentrating on organizing the meeting between Ukrainian and Russian leaders. Chavusholu said that Turkmenistan is willing to organize a meeting between Ukrainian and Russian leaders. At present, it is difficult to determine the date of the Ukrainian Russian leaders' meeting. The current focus is to create sufficient conditions for the meeting. —— Zelensky's official social media account said in a statement on the 17th that Zelensky had a telephone conversation with French President macron on the same day. The two sides discussed the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, providing support to Ukraine and continuing to promote peaceful dialogue. —— Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov said on the evening of the 17th that since Russia launched special military operations, Russian forces have destroyed 182 fighters and helicopters, 177 UAVs, 1393 tanks and other armored vehicles, 134 multiple rocket launchers, 523 field artillery and mortars and 1182 special military vehicles. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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