Consolidating the sustained recovery of the economy -- viewing China's economic trend from the "report card" at the beginning of the year


The "report card" of China's economy was released on the 15th. In the face of multiple tests such as the complex and severe international environment and the spread of domestic epidemics, China's economic recovery is better than expected. Looking forward to the whole year, China's economy still faces many risks and challenges, and needs to climb over the ridge. The recovery momentum of the national economy is good With the changes of the century and the epidemic situation of the century, China is facing a more complex, severe and uncertain external environment. Economic development is facing triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shock and weakening expectation. "With the joint efforts of macro policies and market players, China's economy recovered from January to February, laying a solid foundation for a good start in the first quarter of this year." Fu Linghui, spokesman of the National Bureau of statistics and director of the Department of comprehensive national economic statistics, said. Major production demand indicators rebounded. From January to February, the added value of industries above designated size increased by 7.5% year-on-year, 3.2 percentage points faster than that in December of last year; The total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 6.7% year-on-year, 5 percentage points faster than that in December last year. Fu Linghui said that since the beginning of this year, under the steady growth policy, from January to February, the year-on-year growth rate of national fixed asset investment has accelerated by 7.3 percentage points over the whole year of last year, and the investment in high-tech industry has increased rapidly. The main statistics show that the national economy is still operating within a reasonable range—— From January to February, the consumer price index rose by 0.9% year-on-year, lower than the expected target of about 3%; The average unemployment rate in the national urban survey was 5.4%, lower than the expected target of less than 5.5%. At the end of February, the foreign exchange reserve was 3213.8 billion US dollars, which remained stable at more than 3.2 trillion US dollars, and the international balance of payments remained basically balanced. It is worth noting that on the basis of high base, China's total import and export of goods still maintained double-digit growth, with a year-on-year increase of 13.3% from January to February, and the growth toughness of foreign trade continued to show. From January to February, the added value of high-tech manufacturing above designated size increased by 14.4% year-on-year, and the investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 42.7%; Online retail sales of physical goods increased by 12.3% year-on-year; The output of new energy vehicles, industrial robots and solar cells increased by 150.5%, 29.6% and 26.4% respectively year-on-year... The "progress" of China's economy continues to show, and new progress has been made in high-quality development. There are still many favorable conditions for maintaining steady economic development Recently, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in many parts of the country, and the epidemic situation has tightened in some areas. Fu Linghui said that this will objectively have a certain impact on the local economic recovery, but the overall situation of national epidemic prevention and control is stable. China has accumulated rich experience in epidemic prevention and control. A series of measures taken can effectively block the spread of the epidemic and the impact on the economy will be gradually controlled. Facing the triple pressure, stabilizing foreign trade has become an important support for steady growth. Fu Linghui said that in the next stage, despite the complex and changeable international environment, the characteristics of China's foreign trade with strong toughness and great potential will not change, the development trend of global cooperation will not change, and the unswerving opening to the outside world will not change. China's foreign trade is still expected to maintain stable development. From the perspective of the international environment, the current global epidemic has spread, the world situation is turbulent, geopolitical conflicts have intensified, and external instability and uncertainty have increased. In view of the impact of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine on China's economy, Fu Linghui said that Russia and Ukraine account for a relatively small proportion of China's import and export trade and have a limited direct impact on China's economy. In the next stage, as all localities continue to adhere to the principle of stability and seek progress in stability, and strengthen the guarantee of economic operation, the external impact can be controlled within a limited range. "On the whole, China's economy is characterized by sufficient resilience, great potential and wide space. There are still many favorable conditions for maintaining steady economic development." Fu Linghui said that all regions and departments have strengthened their efforts to stabilize growth, and there have been obvious positive changes in investment, consumption and industrial growth. The economic operation in the first quarter can still maintain a steady development trend. Promote the stable and healthy operation of the economy "In the face of new downward pressure, we should put steady growth in a more prominent position."—— The government work report emphasizes. Fu Linghui said that in the next stage, we should continue to scientifically coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and promote the stable and healthy operation of the economy. Consumption is the main engine driving economic growth. Fu Linghui said that we should implement the policy of expanding domestic demand, promote the relief and development of difficult industries, continue to do a good job in normalized epidemic prevention and control, actively expand the consumption of new services, and promote the steady and healthy development of the service industry. In terms of stabilizing investment, Fu Linghui said that we should pay attention to improving investment efficiency, actively expand effective investment around major national strategies and the 14th five year plan, make good use of special government bonds and funds in the central budget, leverage social investment, encourage private investment and optimize the investment structure. Hundreds of millions of market players are the key to ensuring employment, people's livelihood and stabilizing the economy. Fu Linghui said that we should continue to do a good job in ensuring the supply and price stability of bulk commodities, take multiple measures to increase market supply and reduce production costs; We will implement the tax reduction and fee reduction policies to support manufacturing and small and micro enterprises, strengthen financing support for industries seriously affected by the epidemic, increase innovative tax incentives, and maintain the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain. This year's GDP grew by about 5.5% - under the complex situation, some foreign media believe that China's economic growth target is set high, and China's economic prospects are "not optimistic". "The growth rate of 5.5% is not low, but the realization of 5.5% economic growth is also based and conditional: China's economy is recovering continuously, and the characteristics of strong development toughness, great potential and sufficient power are obvious. China's economic development is still in the leading position in the world due to the impact of the epidemic in the past two years." Fu Linghui said that in the next stage, the steady growth policy will continue to work, which will also effectively promote stable economic growth. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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