"Blue sky spring buds" bloom in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland -- what officers and soldiers of an air force radar station in the Western Theater have seen and heard about visiting and helping students with family difficulties


The more you go into the mountains, the thicker the snow. Recently, the reporter and the officers and soldiers of a radar station of the air force of the Western Theater went to akbulak village, Tiereketi Township, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang to see the students with family difficulties assisted by the officers and soldiers. China National Defense Daily reporter Yang Mingyue (first from the right) and the officers and soldiers sent beautiful new clothes to Enzhu. Photo by Liu Yang When she walked into Enzhu's house, she was sweeping the floor. Enzhu is a Kazakh student who is in the first grade of the Township Central Primary School. "How is life at home now? How are children studying?" Deng Daicheng, the instructor of the radar station, asked Enzhu's father. A few years ago, Enzhu was diagnosed with congenital heart disease, and the treatment cost almost hollowed out the family. Her father is in poor health. Her mother works odd jobs nearby and feeds several cows at home. "Thank you for coming so far. Thank you very much." Enzhu's father said repeatedly. The officers and soldiers took out condolences to the Enzhu family, and one of them, a light gray down jacket, attracted everyone's attention. This new dress was bought by Li Yanjun, an engineer at the radar station. He told reporters that he has been separated from his family for many years and has not bought clothes for his son. He doesn't know the size of children's clothes and whether the size of clothes he bought is appropriate. With everyone's encouragement, Enzhu tried on her beautiful new clothes. Unexpectedly, it fit very well. She smiled shyly. After coming out of Enzhu's home, Deng Daicheng told reporters that they would coordinate with the local education bureau and hospital to understand relevant policies and provide help for Enzhu's follow-up treatment. At the same time, they will organize the whole station's party members, officers and soldiers to donate money, pay long-term attention to the Enzhu family, and let Enzhu grow healthily. On the same day, the reporter also visited three other students with relatively difficult families with officers and soldiers. Parents generally reflect that now the national policy is good, and children's study and life are much better. "They are all the objects of our 'blue sky Spring Bud Plan'." Deng Daicheng said that not long ago, they included kulebai Town Central Primary School and Tiereketi Township Central Primary School in the "blue sky Spring Bud Plan" to fund six girls with family difficulties. In addition, they also learned and collected six problems in the construction of school hardware facilities and solved them with the local government. "Although we can provide limited funding, helping a child in need can change the future of a family." On the way back, Deng Daicheng introduced that since 2010, they have helped the second primary school in Habahe County, and organized activities such as donation and condolences, student camp visits, Festival parties and so on. Through the establishment of the "blue sky dream" grant, a total of 91 students with financial difficulties were funded. Over the years, officers and soldiers have established deep friendship with school teachers and students, and a number of "soldier mothers" and "soldier teachers" have emerged, of which Li Guoping is a representative. In 2012, after retiring from the radar station, Li Guoping continued his studies. After graduation, he returned to the county's second primary school and became a special music teacher. In recent years, the school and the radar station have jointly held a number of theatrical parties. "The students enjoyed every activity very much. The contact and exchange with officers and soldiers not only improved the students' self-discipline and consciousness, but also planted seeds of patriotism and support for the army in their hearts." Li Guoping told reporters that more than a dozen students in the school have grown up and entered the military camp. (Xu Yue, Yang Mingyue) (outlook new era)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang er dong

Source:China National Defense News

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