Guard against a new wave of racism in the United States


The U.S. Department of justice implemented the so-called "China Action Plan", using the pretext of "combating economic espionage" and "Combating intellectual property theft" to use huge public power and resources to conduct systematic investigations against Chinese American scientists and researchers who have cooperative relations with China. In essence, the plan has become a tool for us Anti China forces to abuse the concept of national security and curb and suppress China, which has a serious impact on China US relations and interfered with China US normal exchanges and cooperation in science, technology, humanities and other fields. Since the U.S. Department of justice launched the so-called "China Action Plan" in 2018, wearing racist colored glasses, it has constantly planted and discredited Chinese scientists, resulting in one unjust, false and wrong case after another, and Asian groups, including Chinese, have suffered deeply. U.S. media and relevant research reports disclosed that the so-called "China Action Plan" vigorously promotes "presumption of guilt", sets case handling indicators before investigating cases, and ignores judicial justice. More and more American academic institutions and professionals oppose and criticize the plan, believing that it incites racial discrimination and undermines the competitiveness of American scientific research. "National security issues are used as an excuse against Chinese Americans" According to the statistics released by MIT technology review recently, the so-called "China Action Plan" has involved 77 cases, 148 people have been charged, of which nearly 90% are Chinese. The MIT technical review once asked the US Department of justice to explain the true intention of the "China Action Plan" and publish the list of all cases. However, the US Department of justice just deleted 39 "defendants" related to the "China Action Plan" on its official website. Many of them had been publicly accused by the US side, but the lawsuits against them ended in failure. Hu Anming, a professor at the University of Tennessee, is the first Chinese American scholar to stand trial for the "China Action Plan". The FBI monitored Hu and his family for a long time and arrested him in 2020. The US Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Hu Anming on the grounds of "concealing relations with China". U.S. media reported that the federal government "used all judicial power" in the Hu Anming case. In September 2021, the judge declared that all charges against Juan Ming were not tenable. American public opinion holds that the US government has brazenly presumed the guilt of Chinese scientists in the absence of solid evidence. "National security issues are used as an excuse for targeting Chinese Americans." Gisella Caochuan, a full-time lawyer of the Asian American Association for promoting justice, said that the "China Action Plan" is affecting many American residents, foreign students and visiting scholars. The plan "is based on the premise that all Chinese scientists or people with ties to China should be suspected". NBC reported that the "China Action Plan" achieved little in "combating economic espionage" and "Combating intellectual property theft". Over the past three years, the FBI has filed 12 lawsuits against academic institutions or funding institutions, none of which involved espionage charges. "Creating a climate of fear that stifles legitimate scientific cooperation" Although U.S. attorney general Merrick garland declared during an inquiry in Congress last October that the United States has never conducted investigations or prosecutions based on racial identity and nationality, it is an indisputable fact that more and more Chinese scientists have been falsely accused. American civil society groups and scholars from Stanford University, Yale University and other universities have voiced their criticism that the "China Action Plan" has damaged American academic freedom and scientific research competitiveness, and called for the cessation of discriminatory investigations against Chinese researchers. Last April, the Asian American Association for the advancement of justice submitted a petition signed by 29000 directly affected people to the White House, calling on the U.S. government to stop making discriminatory judgments because of Asian racial identity and terminate the "China Action Plan". In August last year, more than 20 Asian American groups wrote a joint letter to President Biden, saying that the "China Action Plan" ostensibly claimed to investigate and prosecute "economic espionage" and "stealing trade secrets", but actually "let Asian Americans, Asian immigrants or others, especially Chinese scientists, suffer racial characterization, surveillance and improper prosecution", There is no evidence to support the prosecution of the alleged economic espionage or theft of trade secrets. In addition, according to the report released by Johns Hopkins University, the plan even has mandatory requirements on the number of lawsuits, instructing the judicial departments of 94 regions of the United States to file at least one or two lawsuits against China every year. In an open letter last August, the American Physical Society said, "the 'China Action Plan' of the U.S. government trying to solve the problem of scientific research safety is not only the government's own drastic response measure, but also a worse response than the problem itself." Last September, 177 teaching staff of Stanford University jointly signed an open letter pointing out that a large number of foreign scientists, including from China, have played an important role in the development of science and technology in the United States. Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the most challenging global problem facing the world today, including climate change, sustainable development and the threat of new crown pneumonia. The "China Action Plan" has created an increasingly hostile atmosphere. Instead of protecting the national security of the United States, it will damage the innovation ability and scientific and technological future of the United States. Stanford physicist Steven keepherson, one of the organizers of the signing of the joint letter, said that he participated in the event because he witnessed the bad treatment of Chinese colleagues because of the plan. "This approach is creating a climate of fear that stifles legitimate scientific cooperation." The US Atlantic Monthly recently published an article pointing out that the US "China Action Plan" is harming intellectual property assets that are more valuable than "tools" and "drawings", that is, American scientists and the scientific community. The Biden administration is still continuing the "China Action Plan", which is very worrying. "Further proof of structural racial discrimination in American society" Public opinion analysis pointed out that the "China Action Plan" is another embodiment of the deep-rooted systematic racial discrimination in the United States. Ethnic minorities, including Chinese Americans, suffer deeply, which has further deepened the prejudice and discrimination against China in American society. Bloomberg quoted data from rights organizations as saying that the "China Action Plan" reflects the increasing racial prejudice against Asian Americans in the United States, which has led to a significant increase in violence against Asian Americans. "In the field of science, the intimidation of Asian experts is further evidence of structural racial discrimination in American society." Julio Rios, a Spanish expert on China, published an article pointing out that the "China Action Plan" has become the latest expression of "McCarthyism" against Chinese scientists in practice, which has triggered protests in the American scientific community. Moreover, since the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, the racism of Asian origin has been increasing and violence against them has also increased significantly. The article says that Washington claims that "China sacrificed its respect for human rights to protect national security". However, it is the U.S. authorities themselves that are doing so day after day. The United States is implementing ridiculous discriminatory measures under the pretext that the so-called "democratic values" are under potential threat. The New York Times column pointed out that the new wave of racism may retrogress American society, leading many people to mistakenly believe that "Asian immigrants are a threat to Western job opportunities and Western civilization". Mel gotov, a professor of political science at Portland State University, criticized the so-called "China Action Plan" of the US government for serious defects, which not only exposed the deep-rooted prejudice of American society, but also failed to recognize the many benefits of exchanges and cooperation with China. "This bias stems from the presumption of criminal responsibility and the presumption of related criminal responsibility, which is the characteristic of the era of 'McCarthyism'.". (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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