Ministry of Commerce: China's total import tariff has dropped to 7.4%


On December 11, 2001, China officially joined the WTO. At the regular press conference held by the Ministry of Commerce today, Gao Feng, a spokesman, said that the overall level of China's import tariffs in 2021 had dropped to 7.4%. Gao Feng said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of China's accession to the world trade organization. Over the past 20 years, China has always been a firm supporter, active participant and important contributor to the multilateral trading system. China has fully fulfilled its WTO commitments, fulfilled its tax reduction commitments in 2010, and the average import tariff level of all commodities decreased from 15.3% in 2001 to 9.8% in 2010. After further independent tax reduction, the total level of China's import tariff will reach 7.4% in 2021. In terms of trade facilitation, China has focused on the following aspects: First, fully implement the WTO Agreement on trade facilitation. Since the formal entry into force of the trade facilitation agreement in February 2017, the Chinese government has actively implemented various trade facilitation measures required by the agreement. In January 2020, China informed the WTO of the early implementation of measures such as "determining and publishing the average release time" in the agreement, and China's implementation rate of various measures stipulated in the trade facilitation agreement has reached 100%. Second, continuously reduce the overall customs clearance time of import and export goods. In June this year, the overall customs clearance time of Chinese customs imports was 36.7 hours, 62.3% lower than that in 2017; The overall customs clearance time for exports was 1.8 hours, 85.2% lower than that in 2017. Third, continue to streamline the regulatory documents for import and export. Relevant departments shall reduce the examination and approval items of import and export links according to law and optimize the regulatory requirements. In July this year, the number of regulatory certificates to be verified in import and export has been reduced from 86 in 2018 to 41, a decrease of 52.3%. Fourth, the construction of free trade agreements and pilot free trade zones has effectively promoted trade facilitation. At present, China has signed 19 free trade agreements with 26 countries and regions, stipulating transparency, goods release and customs cooperation, which has played a positive role in simplifying customs procedures, improving the efficiency of customs clearance services and unblocking the flow of cross-border goods. The pilot free trade zone has actively explored in the field of trade facilitation and has replicated and promoted 79 innovative achievements of trade facilitation system to the whole country. Fifth, deepen and expand the "single window" function of international trade. At present, automatic import license, export license and other import and export certificates have been 100% paperless. Gaofeng said that the Chinese government will continue to promote trade liberalization and facilitation, unswervingly promote high-level opening to the outside world, promote high-quality trade development, let the world share China's development opportunities, achieve mutual benefit, win-win and common development, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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