Russia plans to build a new modern army


Recently, Russian President and supreme commander of the armed forces Vladimir Putin sat in Sochi and successively presided over important defense meetings such as the national defense committee meeting, the national defense industrial complex development meeting and the military science and technology development meeting. At the meeting, the Russian military high-level summarized the early development achievements and defined the key points of future military force construction. Among them, priority will be given to the development of strategic forces and modern navy and air force. In addition, novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control plan has been worked out by the Russian army. In the next two or three years, the Russian army will receive 26 sets of various air defense systems. The picture shows S-400 air defense system Give priority to the development of strategic forces Putin said: "China has developed unique laser, hypersonic, kinetic energy and other weapons in the world, which has achieved a real breakthrough in the field of military technology and improved the military capability several times. This has provided Russia with a high level of security and consolidated the strategic balance." he pointed out that the relevant tests have confirmed the "pelesvit" laser system, "pioneer" and "dagger" The uniqueness of hypersonic weapon system. According to the plan, from 2022, the Russian army will accelerate the loading progress of the above asymmetric weapon platforms. Taking the "dagger" hypersonic missile as an example, the Russian army plans to add one regiment on the basis of one regiment in the early stage (equipped with six missiles). At that time, Russia's land-based long-range precision strike capability "will effectively check and balance NATO led by the United States". The modernization of strategic nuclear weapons will also become the focus of Russian military construction in the next two years. Kartapolov, chairman of the Russian National Defense Commission, said that in 2022 and 2023, the Russian Ministry of defense will allocate 49 billion rubles (1 ruble, about 0.09 yuan) to the military industrial complex responsible for the upgrading of nuclear weapons. Among them, it involves the development and manufacturing costs of nuclear weapons, the production costs of sea-based and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles and strategic bombers. This figure is expected to increase to 56 billion rubles in 2024. Russia's increase in funding for nuclear weapons is likely to require the modernization of a large number of nuclear equipment in service in the 20th century. The intercontinental ballistic missiles such as "poplar" and "Satan" equipped by the Russian army are approaching the retirement age. The Russian army is speeding up the production of "salmat" new intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines equipped with "Brava" submarine launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. Karakayev, commander of Russia's strategic missile force, said that Russia hopes to replace all Soviet era nuclear missile systems by 2024. Foreign media commented that the Russian army's proposal to publicly upgrade its nuclear arsenal comes at a time when the Russian army plans to replace old strategic weapons with new hypersonic weapons, which is full of strong implications for NATO strategy. Enrich modern sea and air strength During the meeting, Putin listened to defense minister Shoigu's report on the construction of naval and air force forces in the past four years and asked to continue to enrich modern naval and air strength. Since 2018, the Russian navy has added 49 warships of various types and 9 sets of advanced missile systems, and more than 30 warships are about to be modernized. Each fleet of the navy has established a "offshore combat ship assault group" to constantly innovate operational theory. Various fleets have organized cross regional joint exercises for many times and prepared to build and expand overseas material and technical support bases through high-sea campaign exercises. Putin said that in the next two years, the Russian navy will improve the performance of new ships and ensure the timely use of new shipborne weapons. "Changing the Navy will become a strategic task." the Russian army will continue to introduce new technologies in the process of developing and building new ships. At the same time, the Russian navy will also accelerate the development of aviation units and upgrade the existing shore defense missile system and air defense system. In addition, naval ship and aircraft sea training will be carried out normally, "the modern global Navy should show its military presence in important sea areas". According to Shoigu's report, over the past four years, the Russian air and space army has deployed 25 sets of S-400 air defense systems and more than 70 new fighters, and modernized and upgraded 90 aircraft and more than 20 sets of S-300 air defense systems. This year, the world's first S-500 air defense system capable of intercepting hypersonic missiles was officially unveiled, becoming an important weapon against western provocations. According to the plan, in the next two or three years, the Russian air and space army will receive more than 200 new fighters and 26 sets of various air defense systems. In 2025, the proportion of modern weapons and equipment of Russian air defense and anti missile forces will be close to 80%. Putin said that the Russian army will focus on developing an integrated air and space defense command and control system, integrate reconnaissance and air and space attack early warning subsystems into a single information space, and deploy advanced space systems at the same time. It is worth mentioning that the Russian army will use domestic raw parts to produce modern air and space combat weapons and equipment on a large scale. "The upgraded air and space defense system can detect all kinds of hypersonic weapon targets outside the national boundary and complete interception and destruction on the whole flight path." It is reported that the Russian military's high-level special research on the current situation and planning of sea and air strength is a targeted military deployment focusing on real threats. This year, European medium-range missiles have approached Russia's "home", American hypersonic missiles have broken through the technical threshold, NATO fighters have significantly increased their flight intensity near the Russian border, and Western naval ships have repeatedly rushed into Russian sovereign waters. Russia's increase in the construction of modern naval and air forces is also intended to respond to provocations. Hold the "gate" of epidemic prevention and control Novel coronavirus pneumonia is a special example of the new military disease. Shoigu said: "in the future, the Russian army will carry out military operations and training under the condition of ensuring epidemic prevention safety." Novel coronavirus pneumonia is currently being vaccinated by 95% Russian active duty officers, 70% civilian personnel and military families. Since July, more than 25% of officers and soldiers have been vaccinated with "booster needles". Compared with 2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia infection rate and mortality rate of the Russian army decreased significantly this year. Recently, the Russian three defense forces and medical units of military regions began to provide assistance to 136 hospitals in 27 federal entities. Nine military hospitals are open to local patients and provide inpatient services. Shoigu said that the number of Russian military nucleic acid testing laboratories has increased significantly and can receive testing data from any part of the country within two hours. Russia provides 24-hour health monitoring for infected persons in the military, and provides remote diagnosis and treatment as needed. Shoigu said that once the president's order is received, the Russian army can rush to any region of the country for epidemic prevention and control within three hours. At present, the Russian army has carried out medical assistance in Moscow, Tula, Abkhazia and other places. (Shi Wen) (outlook new era)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

Source:China National Defense News

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