Carry forward the spirit of the old area and inherit the red gene


Executive summary "Forgetting the old revolutionary base areas means forgetting our roots; forgetting history means betrayal." the old revolutionary base areas are the cradle of the Republic and the root of the party and the people's army. In the era of war, the people in the old liberated areas, the Communist Party of China and the people's army always depended on life and death and shared weal and woe, leaving us valuable spiritual wealth. To take the long march road of the new era well, we need to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the old areas, carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red blood, and gather a strong spiritual force to move forward bravely. Recently, the CPC Central Committee approved the first batch of great spirits sorted out by the Central Propaganda Department and included in the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, among which the "old area spirit" is listed. In the magnificent journey of the Communist Party of China to create and develop revolutionary base areas and create the Chinese revolutionary road, under the guidance of the great party building spirit, the people in the old areas have been baptized by blood and fire, tested by various hardships and experienced twists and turns, and formed the old area spirit. The old revolutionary base areas are the cradle of the Republic and the root of the party and the people's army. As an integral part of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, the spirit of the old areas is a great crystallization of the continuous melting and cohesion of the party, government, military and people in the base areas under unimaginable harsh environment and arduous struggle. It is a glorious banner to unite the people, gather the hearts of the people and arouse the morale of the people. It is a source of strength to defeat the enemy, overcome difficulties and win victory. Love and trust the party and unswerving ideals and beliefs. During the revolutionary war, groups of Communists gathered under the banner of faith, sacrificed their lives and worked tirelessly, and explained our party's original mission with the fearlessness of "beheading doesn't matter, as long as the doctrine is true", the righteousness of "the belly is full of grass roots, and would rather starve than surrender", and the perseverance of "nailing bamboo sticks into ten fingers, hurting the heart rather than betraying the party", It marks the spiritual height of the Chinese nation. It is from this that the people feel the power of faith and the light of ideals and walk with the party wholeheartedly. Loyalty and faith grow everywhere in the hot land of the old revolutionary base areas. The people in the old revolutionary base areas can destroy their families and help them out, let alone fear bloodshed and sacrifice. In the third counter campaign against "encirclement and suppression", the Kuomintang and the local reactionary militia carried out a "three light" policy on the Jinggangshan revolutionary base. "The thatch should go too far, the stone should go too far, and the people should change their species". The enemy carried out inhumane burning and killing of the people in Xiaojing and xiaowujing, killed more than 110 people in Ciping village, and slaughtered more than 100 wounded and sick people in Xiaojing Red Army hospital with machine guns; All houses were burned to ashes, and more than 120 households in Wujing and Xiaojing were killed, and more than 70 households were killed. During the revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan, more than 48000 martyrs died, only 15744 martyrs with names and surnames, and more than 30000 unsung heroes slept in this red land. In the old area of Dabie Mountain, 200000 heroic sons and daughters gave their precious lives, and there are more than 130000 martyrs on the list. Almost every inch of land and every stone here is stained with blood. However, the people of Dabie Mountains have always held high the red flag of revolution, always loved and believed in the party, followed the party, and created the miracle of "28 years of red flag not falling" with their blood and life. History fully shows that under the leadership of the party, once the people have revolutionary faith, there are no insurmountable difficulties and invincible enemies. A broad mind of sacrificing life and death and selfless dedication. The history of the establishment and development of revolutionary base areas is a revolutionary history written by the people in the base areas with blood and life. The vast majority of the more than 20 million revolutionary martyrs who died bravely for national independence, people's liberation, national prosperity and strength, and people's happiness are children of the old liberated areas. At that time, the population of the southern Jiangxi Soviet area was 2.4 million, of which more than 330000 joined the Red Army, and more than 600000 joined the Red Guard, stretcher team, comfort team, laundry team and other front support teams. In early October 1934, the Red Army started the long march from Yudu. Yudu people volunteered to contribute more than 800 ships. Thousands of families demolished door panels, bed panels and shop panels to support the erection of floating bridges. Some old people even donated longevity materials. In Aba Prefecture, where the red army passed through the Long March, the Tibetan, Qiang, Hui and Han nationalities actively supported the Red Army. More than 5000 ABA children joined the Red Army and followed the Red Army North. During the war of resistance against Japan, the people's Anti Japanese armed forces such as the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army persisted in the arduous and cruel struggle for a long time, and grew stronger and stronger in the battle. From more than 46000 people when they fought against Japan to more than 1.31 million people when they won the war of resistance against Japan, and more than 2.68 million militia. The people in the base areas did everything they could to support their troops. The granaries in Eastern Gansu fed hundreds of thousands of troops. The spinning wheels in Yan'an caves worked day and night to make military clothes for the soldiers. The milk of Yimeng Mountain hongsao saved the wounded. Millions of people in the base areas carried shoulder poles and carts to follow the people's army and liberated the whole of China. In different periods of the Chinese revolution, the people in the old areas made great sacrifices and made great contributions to winning the victory of the revolution and establishing new China, which is always worthy of our respect. An indomitable and victorious heroism. The hardship of the environment, the hardship of survival, the cruelty of fighting and the heavy sacrifice in the base areas are unimaginable to people today. After the Anti Japanese War entered the stalemate stage, the people's Anti Japanese armed forces, based on the vast base areas, actively carried out guerrilla warfare in the vast battlefield behind the enemy, and dealt a heavy blow to the cities and transportation lines mainly occupied by the Japanese and puppet forces. In the eight years of the all-round war of resistance against Japan, the militia in the base areas participated in 1.74 million battles, fought 296000 times and annihilated more than 100000 enemies. In the battlefield behind the enemy lines, the armed forces, Yanling troops and railway guerrillas, mainly composed of local armed forces and militia, flexibly used tactical methods such as mountain guerrilla warfare, plain guerrilla warfare, tunnel warfare, mine warfare, sparrow warfare, siege warfare and break attack warfare to frighten the enemy. In the arduous revolutionary struggle, there are anti Japanese Union generals who are still tenacious in fighting with cotton wool, ice and snow, heroic sons and daughters who resolutely jump off cliffs and rivers in a desperate situation, and resolute teenagers who swear to death in the face of torture... The military and people in the old area will never shrink back in difficulties and yield in adversity. They have withstood the test of countless hardships and showed that they look death like home Unyielding revolutionary integrity and tenacious character that can not be dragged down and broken. The tenacious fighting spirit of continuous self-improvement and hard struggle. On the arduous Long March, facing the extremely harsh natural environment and the adversity of "tens of thousands of besieged by the enemy", the officers and men of the red army fought a way out of the enemy dozens of times their own with indomitable and indomitable spirit of struggle. Relying on this spirit of fearing no difficulties and constantly striving for self-improvement, the people of the old liberated areas persisted in self-reliance and hard struggle and created various undertakings such as economy, finance, culture and education under the extreme conditions of the enemy's tight military siege and economic blockade. After the Red Army successfully joined forces, the barren Northern Shaanxi plateau became the base camp of the Chinese revolution. In the most difficult days of the war of resistance against Japan, the army and people in the base areas carried out the movement of production self-help and mutual assistance. Relying on their hard-working hands to open up wasteland, cultivate land, spin and weave cloth, they realized self-sufficiency in food and other materials, ensured the supply of the Party Central Committee and the army, and ensured the 13-year adherence of the leading organs of the Party Central Committee in Northern Shaanxi. A scientific attitude of seeking truth, pragmatism and innovation. In different periods of the Chinese revolution, under the leadership of the party, the military and people in the old areas were realistic, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, adjusted to local conditions, actively explored, and actively participated in the construction of democratic political power, which promoted the development of political, economic, cultural and social construction in the revolutionary base areas. As early as the early days of the establishment of the Jinggangshan revolutionary base, our party formulated the Jinggangshan land law. In November 1931, the Provisional Central Government of the Soviet Republic of China was established in Ruijin, the capital of the Central Soviet region. This is the first national worker peasant democratic regime in Chinese history and an important attempt by our party to govern in some areas. The Soviet Republic of China has successively administered 13 revolutionary base areas scattered throughout the country, 18 provincial units, 4 special zones and 4 directly subordinate counties. It has made remarkable achievements in politics, economy, military, culture and education, which has provided rich historical experience for the construction of our party's base areas during the war of resistance against Japan and the war of liberation and the construction of political power in New China. In just a few years of ruling practice, as Comrade Mao Zedong said, "the party has opened up the road of people's power, so it has learned the art of governing the country and the people". The Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region is an experimental area for the construction of Anti Japanese democratic regime, forming a relatively complete set of basic policies for the construction of a new democratic society. Compared with the situation of political autocracy and bureaucratic corruption in the Kuomintang ruled areas, the Anti Japanese Democratic base areas show a new style of political democracy, national unity, economic development and clean government. The glorious tradition of deep love between fish and water and life and death. The support and support of the people is not only an important prerequisite for the victory of the revolution, but also the political and organizational advantages of the Communist Party in power. When opening up and developing the Central Soviet Area, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that every Communist Party member should always talk about striving for the masses like a monk talking about "Amitabha", and "sincerely seek interests for the masses, so that the masses can regard the revolution as their life and as their glorious banner". Many unimaginable difficulties encountered by the Red Army on the long march were solved with the help of the people. In shigu on the Bank of the Jinsha River, 22 local carpenters and blacksmiths spontaneously made 7 ferries and more than 10 rafts for the second and sixth corps of the Red Army. 28 boatmans spent four days and three nights to send more than 18000 Red Army troops across the Jinsha River. After a battle in the red 17th division, 47 wounded planned to be sent to the people's homes. The local Miao leader Yang Yisha led the men, women and children of the whole village to "rob" the wounded to the stockade for treatment and rest. More than 30 families in the village are scrambling to place the wounded. Later, several of the wounded died gloriously because of the deterioration of their injuries. Miao village buried them with the most solemn ceremony, and specially built "Red Army graves" for the martyrs. In the war years, the people in the old areas, the Communist Party of China and the people's army always depended on life and death, shared weal and woe, presented a vivid picture of the unity of the party and the masses and the army and the people, and left valuable spiritual wealth for today's people. General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly: "forgetting the old area is to forget the book; to forget history is betrayal." the spirit of the old district formed on the sacred land in the old district embodies the historical achievements of the revolutionary predecessors and the great historical contributions of the old people. "Each generation of us should take its own long march". The long march of our generation is to achieve the second Centennial goal and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This requires us to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the old areas, carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red blood, and gather a strong spiritual force to forge ahead bravely. (author: Wang Jian unit: China Association for the promotion of old area construction) (outlook new era)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Zhou shu

Source:China Military Online

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