The third Guangdong Hong Kong Macao cooperation and Development Forum (Guangzhou 2021) was held in Jinan University


On October 31, the third Guangdong Hong Kong Macao cooperation and Development Forum (Guangzhou 2021) - the academic seminar on "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay Area in the new development pattern" was held in Jinan University. The forum was co sponsored by the school of economics of Jinan University and the Macao economic society, organized by the Institute of Hong Kong and Macao economics of the special zone of Jinan University, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Economic Development Research Center, a key research base of Humanities and social sciences of Guangzhou, and co organized by China Education Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Association. (meeting site) (speech by he Delong) In his speech at the opening ceremony, he Delong, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Research Institute of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the meeting. He pointed out that COVID-19 has put forward new issues for the construction of the Tai Wan area and the cooperation between Guangdong, Hongkong and Macao. The return of the "one country two systems" to the track of the "one country, two systems" and the breakthrough in the institutional and institutional aspects of the cooperation between the two countries have brought new opportunities. The study of the Tai Wan area and the Hong Kong and Macao research should all take the initiative to respond to the new situation and provide new ideas and new ideas for the new development pattern. (Hong An's speech) Jinan University vice president Hong Hong said in his speech that the Jinan University guided by general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on visiting Jinan University, has made a series of symbolic achievements in personnel training, discipline construction, social services and cultural heritage, and played a unique role in spreading the fine traditional Chinese culture to the five continents and all over the world. Jinan wisdom and Jinan plan have been contributed to the construction of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district. (speech by Liu Benli) In his speech, Liu Benli, President of the Macao economic society, pointed out that the overall plan for the construction of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone and the plan for comprehensively deepening the reform and opening up of Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone have injected new vitality into the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay area and will certainly provide a strong driving force for the economic transformation of Hong Kong and the appropriate diversification of Macao's economy. The results of this seminar can provide rich insights for the construction of Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zone and boost the cooperation and development of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan district to a new stage. (speech by Feng shuaizhang) Feng shuaizhang, Dean of the school of economics of Jinan University, introduced the historical inheritance and recent development of the economic discipline of Jinan University. He said that the economic discipline of Jinan University has always been an advantageous discipline in the field of Humanities and social sciences of the University. In recent years, it has risen year after year in the discipline ranking released by various institutions and made great progress. As an important research center for Hong Kong and Macao, the Hong Kong Macao Economic Research Institute of the special administrative region has made important contributions in serving the major regional development strategies of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, especially in promoting the cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. (keynote report hosted by Zhong Yun) Zhong Yun, vice president of the school of economics of Jinan University, presided over the keynote report of the forum. Five experts from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Macao economic society, Jinan University, Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences and Lingnan University spoke successively offline and online. (shared by Shen Guilong) Shen Guilong, director of the Institute of world Sinology of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the changing trend from global cities to metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations, and then to the overall national competition has changed the focus of internal and external opening in China's two-way opening-up. Under the background that the global value chain is linked from globalization to regionalization closed loop, and the "superposition of new three phases" has a complex impact on the priority objectives and risk exposure of the global value chain layout, China's high-quality development should pay more attention to higher-level and safer opening and more independent and active opening. (shared by Liu Zhiyi) Liu Zhiyi, President of the Macao economic society, pointed out that Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area plays an important role in the new development pattern, and put forward suggestions on the development of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone. He pointed out that the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area is one of the regions with the highest degree of openness and the strongest economic vitality in China. It is responsible to be the vanguard in promoting the construction of a new development pattern. The construction plan of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone can create new development opportunities in many industries such as high-end manufacturing, traditional Chinese medicine, tourism and finance, so as to inject new vitality into the development of Macao. (shared by Yang Ying) Yang Ying, counselor of Guangdong provincial government and School of economics of Jinan University, pointed out that the establishment of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone makes it possible for Macao to achieve the development goal of "strong pole". At present, the construction of Hengqin cooperation zone has made rapid progress. The construction and development of Hengqin cooperation zone must focus on the construction of "strong pole" focus area, directional industry and "plastic" system area, and carry out "same city" planning, construction and continuous improvement of "plastic" system environment through Macao and Zhuhai systems Systematically construct a good investment environment and promote the coordinated development of industries with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area to promote the in-depth cooperation between Hengqin and Guangdong and Macao. (shared by Yang zaigoo) Yang zaigoo, vice president of Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out in the report that building an international scientific and technological innovation center with global influence is the mission and task entrusted by the state to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area. Under the background that a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform are reconstructing the global innovation landscape, it is timely to deepen cooperation and build Dawan District international scientific and technological innovation center with good foundation and outstanding advantages. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area should build a new pattern of international science and technology innovation center at a high level with the construction of international platform as the carrier, the strengthening of strategic scientific and technological forces as the support, the breakthrough of tackling the key core technologies of "bottleneck" and the improvement of innovation ecology as the guarantee. (shared by Liu Zhipeng) Liu Zhipeng, associate vice president of Lingnan University, reviewed the past urban planning strategies of the HKSAR Government and expressed support and recognition for the newly proposed development of the "northern metropolitan area". He pointed out that the construction of the "northern metropolitan area" can not only solve the long-term housing shortage in Hong Kong, but also promote Hong Kong's integration into the overall rapid development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area, which has a positive and long-term significance for Hong Kong itself and the whole bay area. The forum conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on such topics as "strengthening the research on the integrated anti epidemic of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district", "strategic research on the development and construction of Dawan district after the epidemic", "the role, function and positioning of Dawan district under the epidemic", "Hong Kong and Macao youth participating in the construction of Dawan district", "the construction and development of Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone", and achieved fruitful research results. (group photo of participants) From the Hong Kong and Macao Research Institute of the State Council Affairs Office, Jinan University, Macao economic society, University of Hong Kong, Sun Yat sen University, Lingnan University, University of Macao, City University of Macao, "one country, two systems" Research Center, Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, Guangdong Hong Kong and Macao Economic Research Association, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, Guangdong University of Finance and economics and China Education Group More than 100 experts and scholars from scientific research institutions and enterprises such as (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. participated in the forum offline and online. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie

Source:School of economics, Jinan University

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