The Ministry of foreign affairs responded that the leaders of the Taiwan region recognized the presence of US troops: engaging in "Taiwan independence" is a dead end


In response to reports that Taiwan leader Tsai ing Wen admitted that the U.S. military was stationed in Taiwan for training purposes, foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the 28th that China firmly opposes any form of official exchanges and military contacts between the United States and Taiwan. Pursuing "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and supporting "Taiwan independence" is also a road of no return. Wang Wenbin said that the one China principle is the political foundation of China US relations. On the Taiwan issue, the United States should strictly abide by the one China principle and the provisions of the three Sino US joint communiques, rather than something unilaterally concocted by itself. "We firmly oppose any form of official exchanges and military ties between the United States and Taiwan, and oppose U.S. interference in China's internal affairs." He pointed out that recently, US ships have repeatedly "shown their muscles" in the Taiwan Strait, provoked and disrupted the situation, sent a serious wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" forces, and threatened peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region. "The international community can clearly see who is' coercing 'on the Taiwan issue." "Cross strait reunification is the general trend of history and the right path." Taiwan independence "is a historical countercurrent and a dead end." Wang Wenbin said that the "seeking independence" act of the DPP authorities can not change the iron fact that Taiwan is a part of China in the slightest way and shake the pattern of the international community generally adhering to the one China principle. Those who forget their ancestors and split the country never come to a good end. Wang Wenbin said that pursuing "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, and supporting "Taiwan independence" is also a road of no return. "No country or anyone should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of the Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, otherwise they will fail again." (outlook new era)

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